We had the tremendous pleasure of getting an early taste of these new bitters at a visit from Stephen Berg and Alexander Hauck of The Bitter Truth as part of the Classic and Vintage Road Show last month. At that time they were still in the approval process for U.S. sale and the latest word is that they are expected to be available here later this year. That's good news for those of you not in Europe where they're already out, because there's no way you're going to be able to pry our tiny sample bottle away from our tight grip.
This tribute to the spice and complexity of Creole culture is beautifully crafted with vibrant color and fantastic taste. These are a well-balanced bitters which fill an important void in the landscape: sweet red spice with significant complexity on the tongue evoking fennel and flowers.
Sorry, Peychaud's; we love your history, but this is how this variety of bitters should taste.
Recommended test drives: Old Fashioned, Sazerac, Vieux Carré.